Next to music, it is perhaps the issue of the church pew that divides the traditionalists from the trendoids. I've seen debates over this simple, mundane piece of furniture lead to shouting matches and folks leaving the church. May I point out that, whatever your view on the pew, it's not worth that?
1. Tradition - Some people have a visceral, positive reaction to a worship space containing pews, born most likely out of their prior religious experience. Pews, to them, look and feel like church.
But this applies to the 'unchurched' as well...as evidenced by the fact that many non-churchgoers want a church with pews for their wedding.
1. Tradition - Some people have a visceral, instinctive dislike of a worship space containing pews, again, likely due to past religous experience. It also seems, however, to be a reactionary position taken up by long-time churchgoers without particularly bitter memories in an effort to be somehow modern. Is it possible to be a 'modern' church using 'traditional' furniture?
2. Flexibility -This is the pew's greatest practical drawback. If you want to use the sanctuary space for more than one purpose, or use a lot of different worship space configurations, it's tough to move pews and nearly impossible to store them. Pews don't stack well.
5. Underlying spatial philosophy - pews are 'shared', chairs are your 'own'
My take:
If your pews have a long historic tradition in your congregation, keep them and modernize in other ways. The costs of discarding your history are too high. Try to add padding and footrests for additional comfort if you can.
If you really need to completely reconfigure your sanctuary frequently (at least once a month), chairs are the only and obvious choice.
Personally, I wouldn't even consider fixed, theater style seating, which has the immovability of pews but none of their flexible-spacing advantages. It combines the worst of both options.
If you're buying, consider specifying shorter pew sections combined into longer lengths, as it is the long pews that are the most inflexible within the floor space. Consider areas (around the stage? near the back? a flexible central area?) where you might want to remove or change seating for special events and use chairs there. This can also be done in sanctuaries with existing pews, where replacing selected pews with chairs can increase the options for floor arrangments, allowing for instance, a circling of chairs around the stage for smaller gatherings.
If you're buying, consider specifying shorter pew sections combined into longer lengths, as it is the long pews that are the most inflexible within the floor space. Consider areas (around the stage? near the back? a flexible central area?) where you might want to remove or change seating for special events and use chairs there. This can also be done in sanctuaries with existing pews, where replacing selected pews with chairs can increase the options for floor arrangments, allowing for instance, a circling of chairs around the stage for smaller gatherings.
And that brings me to my final thought, why is it pews OR chairs? A combination of the two would work well for many churches.
Good summary. I mentioned your blog in a recent post of my own. See it at churchthatmoves.com
I agree. A very good summary. I see the point about the aesthetics of pews, and the flexibility in seating, and the idea of chairs being more individualistic, but I still find the rigidity difficult and we are finding them very, very awkward for any form of worship other than older liturgies. They seem to create an very impersonal feel to the service, as if I'm being told to sit down and shut up and do as I'm told, like I'm at school. No passion, no joy, just look at the God are fencing in behind our straight lines. (But that's a personal opinion- probably as much about the rest of the churches as the pews.)
The idea of 'modern pews' could work, but I'd have to be convinced.
I've never found a vaguely comfortable pew. Ever.
And when it comes to Storytelling- how can you create an intimate relaxed atmosphere with a set of shelves dividing the room? Not to mention the sheer awkwardness of acting among pews. If you want to have action songs, Godly Play, art and craft times, have an alternative worship time, or have people come to the front, there is no space to move.
At the end of the day I agree it's the wrong question. My reaction to the things is partly that from experience they seemed to echo the churches that used them: rigid and inflexible.
Having attended church in England and on the continent, I can attest that pewmakers there seem not only heedless of comfort but actively suspicious of it! I do think American pews are considerably more comfort-conscious. European pews (especially older ones) also tend to have higher profiles, leading to reduced visibility and the shelf-like feeling you describe. Thanks for the comments.
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